Eric G. Chapman

Last Revised: Oct 11th, 2024
Professional Biography
- Post-doctoral Scholar, University of Kentucky, January 2009-2012
- Ph. D. Evolutionary Ecology, Kent State University: Graduated December 2008
- M.S. Ecology, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio: Graduated May 2000
- B.S. Biology, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio: Graduated May 1994
Research Interests
My primary research interests are in the inter-related fields of evolutionary and food web ecology, molecular systematics and biodiversity studies. I use DNA sequences to address these fields of study.
As an evolutionary ecologist, I generate DNA sequences for a group of organisms, use the data to build phylogenetic trees, and then use the trees to infer evolutionary patterns and processes. I have used these techniques to study the evolution of (1) feeding behaviors and larval morphology in snail-killing flies (Sciomyzidae), (2) mating systems in clam shrimp (Branchiopoda), (3) mitochondrial DNA inheritance patterns and shell morphology in freshwater mussels (Unionoidea), and (4) morphological innovations, mode of feeding and habitat preferences in true bugs (Hemiptera). Of course, this all ties in with my molecular systematistics interests, where in addition to the above studies, I have produced phylogenies of various wasp lineages (Braconidae), checkered beetles (Cleridae), freshwater mussels, and clam shrimp. I have also used phylogenetic techniques to elucidate the origin of the coffee berry borer (Scolytinae), a recently introduced pest in Hawaii.
As a molecular food web ecologist, I design species- or taxonomic group-specific DNA primers to amplify prey DNA from the gut contents of predators. This is important for determining the key predators of pest species in agricultural systems or studying predator diets in more natural settings. I have used these techniques to study spiders in winter wheat, predatory thrips on the coffee berry borer (Scolytinae), carabid beetles on slugs in strawberries, and two generalist hemipteran predators on a variety of potato pests.
I am currently involved in an ongoing project to develop next-generation sequencing methods to determine the biodiversity in large arthropod samples. Here, we extract DNA from pulverized bulk insect samples, amplify cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) using general primers for animals, and sequence millions of COI fragments from these amplifications using MiSeq (next-generation sequencing), a technique called metabarcoding. An accurate estimate of the number of species and their higher taxonomic affinities can be gained from these data. Developing such a tool will enable researchers and land managers to determine the biodiversity of natural areas which has applications in conservation and could be developed for water-quality monitoring and other techniques to evaluate ecosystem quality.
Lastly, throughout my career, I have been interested in insect taxonomy. I have developed taxonomic expertise in aquatic beetles, wood-boring beetles (Cerambycidae, Buprestidae), dragonflies and other aquatic insects. I love collecting insects and I keep a personal beetle collection of over 50,000 specimens. I have also worked in the environmental consulting industry where I primarily identified aquatic macro-invertebrates for determining water-quality.
Work History
- Research Analyst, Collections Manager, University of Kentucky: October 2012-present
- Post-doctoral Scholar, Harwood Invertebrate Ecology Laboratory, Department of Entomology, University of Kentucky, 2009–2012
- Molecular Systematist, Walter Hoeh Evolutionary Biology Laboratory, Kent State University, 2000-2008
- Aquatic Beetle Taxonomist & Field Technician, The Ohio Biological Survey, 1997-2002
- Field Assistant, Ohio Odonata Society, 1997, Research Assistant, Cleveland Museum of Natural History, 1993-1997
- Undergraduate Research Assistant, Entomology Laboratory, Kent State University Stark Campus, 1991-1993
Teaching Experience
Lecture Courses:
- Insect Taxonomy (graduate-level course for Entomology majors): University of Kentucky; Fall 2014.
- Beetle Identification Workshop: Barnhart’s Beetle Experience: Beetle Collecting and Curating Workshop. Funded by the Charles E. Barnhart Fund for Excellence, University of Kentucky; Summer, 2014 (6 Saturdays, July-August).
- Elements of Genetics (junior-level course for Biology majors): Kent State University; Spring, 2006 & 2007.
- Ecology Evolution and Society (general biology course for non-biology majors): Kent State University; Spring, 2004.
Guest Lectures:
- Invited Seminar. The evolution of feeding behaviors and larval morphology in snail-killing flies (Diptera: Sciomyzidae). Georgia College & State University, April 8, 2015.
- Insect Taxonomy: University of Kentucky: Fall, 2012. Graduate-level course. Guest lectured four times on Lepidoptera, Trichoptera and Coleoptera.
- Phylogenetic Systematics: University of Kentucky: Spring semester 2010, 2012. Graduate-level course. Gave two 1.5 hour lectures on Bayesian (BI) and maximum likelihood (ML) phylogenetic theory, and two 1.5 hour practical labs on running BI and ML phylogenetic analyses (using MrBayes, Garli and RAxML).
- Insect Ecology: University of Kentucky: Fall, 2010. Graduate-level course. Gave one 1.5 hour lecture on the utility of phylogenetic trees in ecological studies.
- Evolution: Kent State University: Fall, 2007. Undergraduate/graduate level course of ~100 students. Nine 50-minute lectures on parsimony (tree-building and character optimization), species concepts and natural selection.
Graduate Teaching Assistant, Kent State University (1994-1998; 2001-2007)
- Entomology Lab (Fall 2002; 2005; 2006)
- Invertebrate Zoology Lab (Fall 1994-1998, Spring 2001-2003)
- Wetlands Lab (Fall 2003)
- Microbiology Lab (Spring 1995-1998, Spring 2002, 2003)
- Stream Biology Lab (Spring 1996)
- Genetics Lecture Aid (Fall 1995, 1996)
- Guitar Instructor (1987-1993)
- Title: Applying next generation sequencing technology to estimate biodiversity: A new tool toaccurately, rapidly and efficiently solve an old problem. Funding Agency: Kentucky Science and Engineering Foundation. Amount: $29,982.00 (submitted January 2014, funded June 2014)
- Title: Impact of predator biodiversity on pest-suppression in Kentucky wheat: a denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis approach. Funding Agency: Kentucky Science and Engineering Foundation. Amount: $80,000.00 (submitted January 2010, funded June 2010). Note: While my name was not on this grant as a co-PI, I was the named post-doc and I wrote most of the proposal and developed the methods.
- Title: Impact of predator biodiversity on pest-suppression in Kentucky wheat: a denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis approach. Funding Agency: Kentucky Science and Engineering Foundation. Amount: $100,000.00 (submitted January 2009, not funded)
- Title: Evolution of larval feeding behaviors in the snail-killing fly genus Tetanocera (Diptera: Sciomyzidae). Funding Agency: National Science Foundation Dissertation Improvement Grant. Amount: $12,000.00: submitted November 2004, recommended for funding “fund if possible,” but ultimately not funded.
- Title: Systematics of the snail-killing flies in the genus Tetanocera (Diptera: Sciomyzidae): Evolution of larval feeding strategies. Funding Agency: National Science Foundation Dissertation Improvement Grant. Amount: $12,000.00 (submitted November 2003, not funded).
- Title: Evolutionary relationships among members of the snail-killing fly family Sciomyzidae, tribe Tetanocerini: Evolution of larval feeding strategies in the genus Tetanocera. Funding Agency: KSU Graduate Student Senate, Submitted Feb. 2003 Amount: $652.00. Funded.
- Title: A survey of the crawling water beetles (Coleoptera: Haliplidae) of Ohio. Funding Agency: Ohio Biological Survey Small Grants Program. Submitted Jan. 1997, 1998, 1999. Amount: $750.00 (Funded: three grants of $250.00 over three years).
- Title: A survey of the aquatic Coleoptera of northeastern Ohio. Funding Agency: Ohio Biological Survey Institutional Grants Program. Submitted Jan. 1995, 1996 Amount: $1200.00 (Funded: two grants of $600.00 over two years).
Publications (peer-reviewed)
- Sharkey MJ, Chapman EG, Iza de Campos GY. (Submitted to Contributions in Science, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, on Nov 10, 2015). “Revision of Aerophilus Szépligeti (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Agathidinae) from eastern North America, with a key to the Nearctic species.
- Penn H, Chapman EG, Harwood JD. (Submitted to Insect Science on Nov. 13, 2015). Overcoming PCR inhibition during DNA-based gut content analysis of ants.
- Sharkey MJ, Chapman EG, Janzen DJ, Hallwachs W, Smith MA. 2015. Revision of Aphelagathis (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Agathidinae, Agathidini). Zootaxa 4000 (1): 073-089.
- Sharkey MJ, Chapman EG. 2015. The Nearctic genera of Agathidinae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) with a phylogenetic analysis, illustrated generic key, and the description of three new genera. Zootaxa 4000 (1): 049–072.
- Chapman EG, Messing RH, Harwood JD. (2015) Determining the origin of the coffee berry borer invasion of Hawaii. Annals of the Entomological Society of America. Advance access published 14 April 2015.
- Pook V, Chapman EG, Janzen D, Hallwachs W, Smith M, Sharkey MJ. 2015. Polydnavirus gene provides accurate identification of species in the genus Hyposoter (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae). Insect Conservation and Diversity 8: 348-358.
- Welch KD, Schofield M, Chapman EG, Harwood JD. (2014). "Comparing rates of springtail predation by web-building spiders using Bayesian inference. Molecular Ecology 23: 3814–3825.
- van Achterberg C, Sharkey MJ and Chapman EG. 2014. Revision of the genus Euagathis Szépligeti (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Agathidinae) from Thailand, with description of three new species. Journal of Hymenoptera Research 36: 1-25.
- Leavengood JM, Chapman EG. 2014. On the southeastern distributions of Stictoleptura canadensis (Olivier), Leptura subhamata Randall (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Lepturinae) and Heterosternuta cocheconis (Fall) (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae: Hydroporinae). Insecta Mundi 0334: 1-3
- Gunter NL, Leavengood Jr. JM, Bartlett JS, Chapman EG, Cameron SL. 2013. A molecular phylogeny of the checkered beetles and a description of Epiclininae subfam. nov. (Coleoptera: Cleroidea: Cleridae). Systematic Entomology.
- Chapman EG, Schmidt JM, Welch KD, Harwood JD. 2013. Molecular evidence for dietary selectivity and pest suppression potential in an epigeal spider community in winter wheat. Biological Control 65: 72-86.
- Chapman EG, Przhiboro AA, Harwood JD, Foote BA, Hoeh WR. 2012. Widespread and persistent invasions of terrestrial habitats coincident with larval feeding behavioral transitions during snail-killing fly evolution (Diptera: Sciomyzidae). BMC Evolutionary Biology 12: 175.
- Opatovsky I, Chapman EG, Weintraub PG, Lubin Y, Harwood JD. 2012. Molecular characterization of the differential role of immigrant and agrobiont generalist predators in pest suppression. Biological Control 63: 25–30.
- Kerzicnik LM, Chapman EG, Harwood JD, Peairs FB, Cushing PE. 2012. Molecular characterization of Russian wheat aphid consumption by spiders in winter wheat. Journal of Arachnology 40: 71-77.
- Dodd LE, Chapman EG, Harwood JD, Lacki MJ, Rieske LK. 2012. Identification of prey of Myotis septentrionalis using DNA-based techniques. Journal of Mammalogy 93: 1119-1128.
- Doucet-Beaupré H, Blier PU, Chapman EG, Piontkivska H, Dufresne F, Sietman BE, Mulcrone RS, Hoeh WR. 2012. Pyganodon (bivalvia: unionoida: unionidae) phylogenetics: a male- and female-transmitted mtDNA perspective. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 63: 430–444.
- Murphy WL, Knutson LV, Chapman EG, Mc Donnell RJ, Williams CD, Foote BA, Vala J-C. 2011. Key aspects of the biology of snail-killing Sciomyzidae flies. Annual Review of Entomology 57: 425–47.
- Breton S, Stewart DT, Shepardson S, Trdan RJ, Bogan AE, Chapman EG, Ruminas AJ, Piontkivska H, Hoeh WR. 2010. Novel protein genes in animal mtDNA: a new sex determination system in freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionoida)? Molecular Biology and Evolution 28: 1645-1659.
- Eskelson MJ, Chapman EG, Archbold DD, Obrycki JJ, Harwood JD. 2011. Molecular identification of predation by carabid beetles on exotic and native slugs in a strawberry agroecosystem. Biological Control 56: 245-253.
- Aguilar Julio C, Chapman EG, Rios S. 2010. Chapter II: Environments: Collecting in aquatic and semiaquatic environments. Pp. 35-54 In Methods for Catching beetles. Naturalia Scientific Edition, Montevideo-Asunción 320 pp.
- Chapman EG, Romero SA, Harwood JD. 2010. Maximizing collection and minimizing risk: does vacuum suction sampling increase the likelihood for misinterpretation of food web connections? Molecular Ecology Resources 10: 1023–10.
- Doucet-Beaupré H, Breton S, Chapman EG, Blier PU, Bogan AE, Stewart DT, Hoeh WR. 2010. Mitochondrial phylogenomics of the Bivalvia (Mollusca): Searching for the origin and mitogenomic correlates of doubly uniparental inheritance of mtDNA. BMC Evolutionary Biology 10: 50.
- Jaramillo J, Chapman EG, Vega FE, Harwood JD. 2010. Molecular diagnosis of a previously unreported predator-prey association in coffee: Karnyothrips flavipes Jones (Thysanoptera: Phlaeothripidae) predation on the coffee berry borer. Naturwissenschaften 97(3): 291-298.
- Hoeh WR, Bogan AE, Heard WH, Chapman EG. 2009. Palaeoheterodont phylogeny, character evolution, diversity and phylogenetic classification: a reflection on methods of analysis. Malacologia 51(2): 307-317.
- Weeks SC, Rogers DC, Senyo D, Chapman EG, Hoeh WR. 2009. Evolutionary transitions among dioecy, androdioecy, and hermaphroditism in limnadiid clam shrimp (Branchiopoda: Spinicaudata). Journal of Evolutionary Biology 22: 1781–1799.
- Chapman EG, Piontkivska H, Walker JM, Stewart DT, Curole JP, Hoeh WR. 2008. Extreme primary and secondary protein structure variability in the chimeric male-transmitted cytochrome c oxidase subunit II protein in freshwater mussels: Evidence for an elevated amino acid substitution rate in the face of domain-specific purifying selection. BMC Evolutionary Biology 8: 165.
- Chapman EG, Gordon ME, Walker JM, Lang BK, Campbell DC, Watters GT, Curole JP, Piontkivska H, Hoeh WR. 2008. Evolutionary relationships of Popenaias popeii and the early evolution of lampsiline bivalves (Unionidae): Phylogenetic analyses of DNA and amino acid sequences from F and M mitochondrial genomes. Malacologia 50(1-2): 303-318.
- Chakrabarti R, Walker JM, Chapman EG, Shepardson SP, Trdan RJ, Curole JP, Watters GT, Stewart DT, Vijayaraghavan S, Hoeh WR. 2007. Reproductive function for a C-terminus extended, male-transmitted cytochrome c oxidase subunit II protein expressed in both spermatozoa and eggs. FEBS Letters 581: 213-5219.
- Williams RN, Chapman EG, Ebert TA, Hartzler DM. 2007. Aquatic beetles in the Ravenna Training and Logistics Site of northeastern Ohio. Coleopterists Bulletin 61(1): 41-55.
- Chapman EG, Foote BA, Malukiewicz J, Hoeh WR. 2006. Parallel evolution of larval morphology and habitat in the snail-killing fly genus Tetanocera. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 19(2006): 1459-1474.
- Hoeh WR, Smallwood ND, Senyo DM, Chapman EG, Weeks SC. 2006. Evaluating the monophyly of Eulimnadia and the Limnadiidae (Branchiopoda: Spinicaudata) using DNA sequences. Journal of crustacean Biology 26(2): 182-192.
- Walker JM, Curole JP, Wade DE, Chapman EG, Bogan AE, Waters GT, Hoeh WR. 2006. Taxonomic distribution and phylogenetic utility of gender-associated mitochondrial genomes in the Unionoidea (Bivalvia). Malacologia 48(1-2): 265-282.
- Chordas SW III, Chapman EG. 2005. First Ontario, Canada record of Hesperocorixa lobata (Hemiptera: Corixidae). Great Lakes Entomologist 38(3): 209-210.
- Chordas SW III, Robison HW, Chapman EG, Crump BG, Kovarik PW. 2005. Fifty-four state records of true bugs (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) from Arkansas. Journal of the Arkansas academy of Science 59(2005): 43-50.
- Chordas SW III, Hudson PL, Chapman EG. 2004. Additions to the aquatic Diptera (Chaoboridae, Chironomidae, Culicidae, Tabanidae, Tipulidae) fauna of the White River National Wildlife Refuge, Arkansas. Journal of the Arkansas academy of Science 58(2004): 37-45.
- Chordas SW III, Chapman EG, Hudson PL, Stewart RL Jr., Chrisinski M. 2002. New Midwestern state records of aquatic Hemiptera (Corixidae, Notonectidae). Entomological News 113(5): 310-314.
- Glotzhober RC, Chapman EG. 2003. Second Ohio location for two Odonata (Nannothemis bella and Ladona julia) discovered at Singer Lake Bog, Summit County. Great Lakes Entomologist 34(2): 63-66.
- Chapman EG, Restifo RA. 2002. Chapter 17: The Libellulidae (Skimmers) In: Glotzhober RC & McShaffrey D, eds., The Dragonflies and Damselflies of Ohio. Ohio Biological Survey New Series Volume 14, Number 2: ix + 364 pp.
- Chapman EG. 1999. First record of Dorocordulia libera (Odonata: Corduliidae) in Ohio in 75 years. Great Lakes Entomologist 32(4):239-241.
- Chapman EG, Chordas SW III, Glotzhober RC. 1999. Aberrant wing pigmentation in Libellula luctuosa (Odonata: Libellulidae) from Ohio. Great Lakes Entomologist 32(4): 243-246.
- Chordas SW III, Chapman EG. 1999. Rediscovery of the water boatman Sigara signata (Hemiptera: Corixidae) in Ohio with brief notes on habitat and distribution. Ohio Biological Survey Notes 2: 35-37.
- Chapman EG. 1998. Aquatic beetles (Insecta: Coleoptera) of northeastern Ohio (Haliplidae, Dytiscidae, Noteridae, Gyrinidae, Hydrophilidae, Psephenidae, Dryopidae, Elmidae, Ptilodactylidae). Ohio Biological Survey Miscellaneous Contribution No 4. vi + 117 pp.
- Keiper JB, Chapman EG, Foote BA. 1997. Midge Larvae (Diptera: Chironomidae) as indicators of postmortem submersion interval of carcasses in a woodland stream: a preliminary report. Journal of Forensic Sciences 42(6): 1074-1079.
Publications (Book Review)
- Chapman EG. 2012. Book Review - Biology of Snail-Killing Sciomyzidae Flies. American Entomologist 58.
Publications (non-peer reviewed)
- Adams MK, Chapman EG, Harwood JD. 2010. Molecular identification of interaction pathways between carabid beetles and slugs in alfalfa. Meeting of the Slug and Snail subgroup of the International Organization for Biological Control, Conference Proceedings.
- Chapman EG, Jaramillo J, Vega FE, Harwood JD. 2009. Biological control of coffee borer: the role of DNA-based gut-content analysis in assessment of predation. Third International Symposium for the Biological Control of Arthropods, Conference Proceedings, 485-494.
- Chapman EG, Harwood JD. 2008. Using Snail-killing fly larvae as biological control agents of invasive slugs. Newsletter of the International Organization for Biological Control of Noxious Plants and Animals – Nearctic Regional Section. Volume 30(3): page 5.
- Chordas SW III, Chapman EG. 1998. Some fish have high hopes! The Dragonflier (Newsletter of the Ohio Odonata Society). Volume 8(2): page 1.
- Chapman EG. 1997. A weekend with Anax longipes. The Dragonflier (Newsletter of the Ohio Odonata Society). Volume 7(2): page 1.
Professional Presentations
- Chapman EG, Sharkey MJ, Leray M. 2015. Applying next generation sequencing technology to estimate biodiversity: A new tool to accurately, rapidly and efficiently address an old problem. Oral presentation: Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America. November 14-18, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
- Styer A, Curry MM, Chapman EG, Harwood JD, White J. 2015. Multiple symbiont infection is common and variable in spider populations. Oral presentation: Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America. November 14-18, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
- Pook V, Chapman EG, Janzen DH, Hallwachs W, Smith MA, Sharkey MJ. 2015. Using virus genes to identify wasps. Oral presentation, Southeastern Ecology & Evolution Conference, Athens, GA, March 13-15, 2015.
- Tucker EM, Chapman EG, Sharkey MJ. 2014. Species recognition and delimitation of Cremnops (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Agathidinae) incorporating a mini-barcode region of COI. Poster presentation: 8th International congress of Hymenopterists. July 20-25, 2014, Cusco, Peru.
- Pook V, Chapman EG, Janzen DH, Hallwachs W, Smith MA, Sharkey MJ. 2014. Using virus genes to identify wasps. Oral presentation, Annual Spring Symposium in Ecology, Evolution and Behavior, Lexington, KY, May 15-16, 2014.
- Schmidt JM, Chapman EG, Lundgren JG, Harwood JD. 2013. Direct and indirect complexity of higher level trophic interactions in a winter wheat argoecosystem. Oral presentation: 2nd International Symposium on the Molecular Detection of Trophic Interactions. May 13-17, Lexington, Kentucky.
- Welch KD, Schofield MR, Chapman EG, Harwood JD. 2013. Estimation of predation rates from molecular gut-content assays using Bayesian inference. Oral presentation: 2nd International Symposium on the Molecular Detection of Trophic Interactions. May 13-17, Lexington, Kentucky.
- Chapman EG, Lynch CA, Harwood JD, Snyder WW. 2012. Molecular characterization of the feeding habits of a predatory insect community in Washington potatoes. Oral presentation: Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America. November 11-14, Knoxville, Tennessee.
- Lynch CA, Chapman EG, Snyder WW, Harwood JD. 2012. Manipulation of Myzus persicae, green peach aphid, and Leptinotarsa decemlineata, Colorado potato beetle, to determine predator distribution in potatoes. Oral presentation: Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America. November 11-14, Knoxville, Tennessee.
- Leavengood JM, Sharkey MJ, Chapman EG. 2012. Triaging the Phyllobaenus from “Phyllobaenus”: A preliminary assessment of the New World Hydnocerini (Coleoptera: Cleridae: Hydnocerinae). Oral presentation: Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America. November 11-14, Knoxville, Tennessee.
- Chapman EG, Schmidt JM, Welch KD, Harwood JD. 2012. Molecular evidence for pest suppression potential and dietary selectivity in an epigeal spider community in winter wheat. Oral Presentation: Annual Meeting of the American Arachnological Society. July 20-24, Green Bay, Wisconsin.
- Lynch CA, Snyder WW, Chapman EG, Harwood JD. 2012.Manipulation of Myzus persicae, green peach aphid, and Leptinotarsa decemlineata, Colorado potato beetle, to determine predator distribution in potatoes. Annual meeting of the Pacific Branch of the Entomological Society of America. March 25-28, Portland, Oregon.
- Chapman EG, Snyder GB, Harwood JD, Snyder WD. 2011. Molecular evidence for a diversified diet of two hemipteran predators in Washington potatoes. Oral presentation: Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America. November 13-16, Reno, Nevada.
- Leavengood JM, Chapman EG, Sharkey MJ. 2011. Molecules versus morphology: do five genetic loci tell the same story about checkered beetles (Coleoptera: Cleridae) as morphology? Oral presentation: Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America. November 13-16, Reno, Nevada.
- Peterson JA, Johansen KJ, Chapman EG, Harwood JD. 2011. The role of non-prey food resources in generalist predator food webs. Oral presentation: Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America. November 13-16, Reno, Nevada.
- Lynch CA, Snyder WE, Chapman EG, Harwood JD. 2011. Manipulation of Myzus persicae, green peach aphid, and Leptinotarsa decemlineata, Colorado potato beetle, in potatoes to determine predator food preference. Oral presentation: Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America. November 13-16, Reno, Nevada.
- Luong LT, Chapman EG, Harwood JD, Hudson PJ. 2011. Differential exposure and susceptibility to infection revealed through host foraging ecology. Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America. August 7-12, Austin, Texas.
- Chapman EG, Snyder GB, Harwood JD, Snyder WE. 2010. Molecular tracking of generalist predator feeding habits in Washington potatoes. Oral presentation: Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America. December 12-15, San Diego, California.
- Welch KD, Chapman EG, Harwood JD. 2010. Micro-habitat distribution among web-building spiders: implications for community and food web structure. Oral presentation: Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America. December 12-15, San Diego, California.
- Chapman EG, Romero SA, Harwood JD. 2010. Maximizing collection and minimizing risk: does vacuum suction sampling increase the likelihood for misinterpretation of food web connections? Oral presentation: 34th Annual meeting of the American Arachnological Society, June 11-15, East Carolina University, Greenville, North Carolina.
- Welch KD, Chapman EG, Harwood JD. 2010. The role of web placement in structuring web-building spider communities and food webs. Oral presentation: 34th Annual meeting of the American Arachnological Society, June 11-15, East Carolina University, Greenville, North Carolina.
- Chapman EG, Romero SA, Harwood JD. 2010. Maximizing collection and minimizing risk: does vacuum suction sampling increase the likelihood for misinterpretation of food web connections? Poster presentation: Sixth Kentucky Innovation and Entrepreneurship Conference. April 6, Lexington, Kentucky.
- Adams MK, Chapman EG, Harwood JD. 2010. Molecular identification of interaction pathways between carabid beetles and slugs in alfalfa. Poster presentation. Meeting of the slug and snail subgroup of the International Organization for Biological Control. March 23-25, Cardiff, Wales, UK.
- Chapman EG, Heidel TT, O'Neill RJ, Harwood JD. 2009. Molecular diagnosis of aphid predation by Harmonia axyridis in midwestern U.S. prairie/savanna habitats. Oral presentation: Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America. December 13-16, Indianapolis, Indiana.
- Welch KD, Chapman EG, Harwood JD. 2009. The dietary significance of web placement for linyphiid spiders as determined by molecular gut-content analysis. Oral presentation: Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America. December 13-16, Indianapolis, Indiana.
- Dodd LE, Chapman EG, Harwood JD, Lacki MJ, Riske-Kinney LK. 2009. Genetic markers offer multiple approaches to infer prey consumption by forest-dwelling bats. Oral presentation: Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America. December 13-16, Indianapolis, Indiana.
- Chapman EG, Greenstone MH, Harwood JD. 2009. Molecular diagnosis of natural enemy-host interactions. Invited oral presentation: Entomological Society of America, Southeastern Branch. March 8-11, Montgomery, Alabama.
- Chapman EG, Jaramillo J, Vega FE, Harwood JD. 2009. Biological control of coffee berry borer: The role of DNA-based gut-content analysis in assessment of predation. Invited oral presentation: 3rd International Symposium for the Biological Control of Arthropods. February 8-13, Christchurch, New Zealand.
- Chapman EG, Jaramillo J, Vega FE, Harwood JD. 2008. Molecular elucidation of the role of predatory thrips for biological control of the coffee berry borer. Oral presentation: Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America. November 16-19, Reno, Nevada.
- Chapman EG. 2008.Parallel evolution of larval feeding behavior in the snail-killing fly genus Tetanocera (Diptera: Sciomyzidae). Oral presentation: Symposium in Ecology, Evolution and Behavior (CEEB). May 8, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky.
- Chapman EG, Foote BA, Hoeh WR. 2006. Larval morphological and feeding behavioral adaptations in response to parallel habitat transitions in the genus Tetanocera (Diptera: Sciomyzidae). Oral presentation: Evolution2006: Joint annual meeting of the Society for the Study of Evolution (SSE), the Society of Systematic Biologists (SSB), and the American Society of Naturalists (ASN). June 23-27, Stony Brook University, Long Island, New York.
- Walker JM, Chakrabarti R, Chapman EG, Curole JP, Shepardson SP, Stewart DT, Trdan RJ, Vijayaraghavan S, Hoeh WR. 2006. Evolution and subcellular location of the hyper-variable C-terminus extension of the male-transmitted COX2 protein in Amblemine Bivalves (Unionoida). Poster presentation: Evolution2006: Joint annual meeting of the Society for the Study of Evolution (SSE), the Society of Systematic Biologists (SSB), and the American Society of Naturalists (ASN). June 23-27, Stony Brook University, Long Island, New York.
- Walker JM, Chapman EG, Campbell DC, Christian A, Curole JP, Davis M, Harris J, Hove M, Sietman B, Watters GT, Hoeh WR. 2006. Gender-associated mtDNA phylogenetics and the evolution of mantle lures in Amblemine Bivalves (Unionoida: Ambleminae). Oral presentation: Evolution2006: Joint annual meeting of the Society for the Study of Evolution (SSE), the Society of Systematic Biologists (SSB), and the American Society of Naturalists (ASN). June 23-27, Stony Brook University, Long Island, New York.
- Chapman EG, Foote BA, Malukiewicz J, Hoeh WR. Parallel evolution of larval morphology and habitat in the snail-killing fly genus Tetanocera. Oral presentation: Annual meeting of the Entomological Society of America. December 15-18, Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
- Chapman EG, Foote BA, Malukiewicz J, Hoeh WR. Parallel evolution of larval morphology, habitat and feeding behaviors in the snail-killing fly genus Tetanocera. Oral presentation: Annual meeting of the North American Benthological Society, May 22-27, New Orleans, Louisiana.
- Wojtecki R, Walker JM, Wade DE, Chapman EG, Bogan AE, Hoeh WR. 2005. Molecular systematics of the Unionoida (Bivalvia). Oral presentation: 19th National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR). April 21-23, Lexington, Virginia.
- Wojtecki R, Walker JM, Wade DE, Chapman EG, Bogan AE, Hoeh WR. 2005. Molecular systematics of the Unionoida (Bivalvia): Utility of a unique mitochondrial inheritance system for inferring phylogeny. Oral presentation: Ohio Academy of Sciences annual meeting. April 1-3, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio.
- Chapman EG, Foote BA, Hoeh WR. 2004. The Evolution of Slug (Gastropoda) parasitoidism in the genus Tetanocera (Diptera: Sciomyzidae). Oral presentation: Evolution2004: Joint annual meeting of the Society for the Study of Evolution (SSE), the Society of Systematic Biologists (SSB), and the American Society of Naturalists (ASN). June 26-30, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado.
- Chapman EG, Foote BA, Hoeh WR. 2003. Systematics of the snail-killing flies in the tribe Tetanocerini (Diptera: Sciomyzidae): Evolution of larval feeding strategies in the genus Tetanocera. Oral presentation: Evolution2003: Joint meeting of the Society for the Study of Evolution (SSE), Society of Systematic Biologists (SSB), and American Society of Naturalists (ASN). June 20-24, California State University, Chico, California.
- Chapman EG, Foote BA, Hoeh WR. 2002. A preliminary molecular phylogeny of the snail-killing flies in the genus Tetanocera (Diptera: Sciomyzidae). Oral presentation: Ohio Systematists Annual Meeting; February 22, Columbus, Ohio.
- Chapman EG, Chordas SW III.1999. The crawling water beetles (Coleoptera: Haliplidae) of Ohio Poster presentation: North American Benthological Society, National Meeting; May 25-28, Duluth, Minnesota.
- Chapman EG, Chordas SW III.1999. Characterization of the ponds at the wildlife sanctuary “The Wilds,” Muskingum County, Ohio. Oral presentation: Ohio Systematists Annual Meeting; February, Columbus, Ohio.
- Chordas SW III, Chapman EG. 1998. The genus Trichocorixa (Hemiptera: Corixidae) in Ohio. Poster presentation: Annual Executive Meeting of the Ohio Biological Survey; October, Columbus, Ohio.
- Chapman EG, Foote BA. 1997. A survey of the aquatic Coleoptera of northeastern Ohio. Poster presentation: Entomological Society of America, National Meeting; December 14-18, Nashville, Tennessee.
- Chapman EG, Chordas SW III. 1997. A survey of the crawling water beetles (Coleoptera: Haliplidae) of Ohio. Oral presentation: Annual Executive Meeting of the Ohio Biological Survey; October, Columbus, Ohio.
- Chapman EG, Foote BA. 1996. A comparison of three methods for collecting aquatic beetles. Poster presentation: Entomological Society of America, National Meeting. Dec. 8-12, Louisville, Kentucky.
- Chapman EG, Foote BA. 1996. A survey of the aquatic beetles (Coleoptera) of northeastern Ohio. Oral presentation: Annual Executive Meeting of the Ohio Biological Survey; October, Columbus, Ohio.
- Chapman EG, Foote BA. 1996. A preliminary survey of the aquatic beetles (Coleoptera) of northeastern Ohio. Oral presentation: Annual meeting of the North American Benthological Society; June 3-7, Kalispel, Montana.
- Chapman EG, Brooks J. 1996. Aquatic insects of Nimishillen Creek. Oral presentation: The Ohio Academy of Science. May 3-5, Malone College, Canton, Ohio.
Professional Affiliations
- Entomological Society of America
- The Society of Systematic Biologists
- The Coleopterists Society
- The Ohio Odonata Society (served as President & Vice President)
Peer Review
I have been an ad hoc reviewer for the following journals: Agricultural and Forest Entomology; Annals of the Entomological Society of America; Bulletin of Entomological Research; Biological Control; Cladistics; Entomological News; Foodwebs; Forest Entomology; Insects; Journal of Plankton Research; Journal of Pest Science; Methods in Ecology and Evolution; Molecular Ecology; Molecular Ecology Resources; Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution; Naturwissenschaften; Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington.
- Biological Sciences Representative to the Kent State Graduate Student Senate (2004-2005)
- Graduate Student Representative, KSU Graduate Studies Committee (2003-2004)
- Graduate Student Representative, KSU Microbial Ecologist Search Committee (Spring 2003)
Community Service
- Science Fair Judge, Tates Creek High School, Lexington, KY, February 6, 2016
- Science Fair Judge, Tates Creek High School, Lexington, KY, February 7, 2015
- Science Fair Judge, Bryan Station High School, Lexington, KY, February 8, 2014
- Science Fair Judge, Cassidy Elementary, Lexington, KY, January 16, 2013
- Volunteer: UK/Raven Run Insect Walk. Raven Run Nature Sanctuary, Lexington, KY, July, 2008-2014
- Volunteer: Insect Day: Cleveland Museum of Natural History, September 2001, May 2002