Janet Lensing

Last Revised: Oct 11th, 2024
Professional Biography
- University of Kentucky (2006)
Ph.D., Entomology
Major Professor: Dr. David Wise - Hendrix College (1998)
B.A., Biology (magna cum laude)
Professional Interests
As a graduate student, my research focused on arthropod ecology. Specifically, I studied the impact of changes in rainfall as predicted by climate change models on the arthropods that live in the leaf litter of the forest floor. I investigated changes in the arthropod populations (abundance and diversity), changes in leaf litter decomposition rates, and the impact of rainfall on trophic cascades in the forest floor system.
In my current position as State Survey Coordinator, my focus has shifted to regulatory entomology and invasive pests. I work with the USDA to secure funding and coordinate surveys aimed at early detection and eradication of invasive pests in Kentucky. These surveys primarily focus on insect targets, but may also include plant diseases, weeds, and nematodes. I also assist with nursery inspections and the inspection and certification of plant products that are exported overseas.
Since fall semester of 2008, I have taught ENT 110, Insect Biology, which is the undergraduate entomology class for non-science majors. I’ve discovered that I really enjoy teaching and have learned a lot through the years of teaching this course!